Monday, June 16, 2008


It's been 6 months since I last blogged. Life has been a little crazy. I got a new job. The school semester ended in illness and stress. But as I promised, it's a new year. More importantly, it's a new day. Carpe diem.

I find it difficult most of the time to remember to live by that phrase. Oh how important it is. I let life get the best of me too often. I hold grudges, I let anger and frustration take over. That is a set up for failure. Who likes failure? No one, really. But ultimately, defeat is a means for learning about oneself and it therefore, becomes a beautiful thing.

Furthermore, I have come to realize that when I want something so badly, I try and I try and I try again to get it. When I don't get it when I want it I become angry, bitter, disappointed, and discouraged. But I forget, perhaps there is a reason I don't have whatever it is I want. Maybe it's the wrong time. Maybe it's the wrong thing. Maybe there's something better waiting for me. So, here's what I do. I lay it on the altar. I wait for God and the Universe to send it my way. Eventually, I get what I want, what I need, and something better. In the process, I learn patience and understanding.

It's all about being content and happy with oneself. Of course, one must strive for greatness. In doing so one will become great in some way. Wonderful things will happen if you just allow some snow to fall.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A new year, a new me.

It's always refreshing for me when a new year comes around. For most, it means new beginnings, a chance to start over. We set goals, which ultimately end in failure. But not for me. No, not this time around. I've become ill of the way I've been living my life. I won't exaggerate on how bad it's been. That would only take the focus away from the way it's going to be: FABULOUS!
I've gone to the gym, almost regularly (my goal is 5 days a week- not quite there yet). I've kept up with my school assignments, I'd like to get ahead. I try to go to bed at a decent hour. Regardless, I'm waking up to the sun and chirping birds.
Positive thoughts are the key. Life is good. Sure, I'll have some lows, but they'll pass. I have people around me who care for me and I've been given the opportunity to care for others. It's a wonderful feeling.
I learned in a movie (What the $%*^& do we know?) that when water is blessed the molecules look like snowflakes under a microscope. Our bodies our made up of mostly water. Image what positive thoughts can do to us!
I'm so excited for this year. Here's to more than I could ever hope for.